
  • Social peace
  • Non-verbal communication as divergent thinking.


  • To develop an inner listening of my emotional world
  • To work on the concept of inclusion and equality with a proposal of horizontal exercises that allow sharing, reflecting and debating the experience in search of new ways
  • To promote  creativity, forms and capacities from Dance/Theater for use with others and the environment.
  • To develop an inclusive and empathetic body language with the environment within the concept of Peace


  • 15 min : Opening “Suzuki Sculpture”
  • 55 min : Image Theater “Building in Peace”
  • 20 min : Shared group reflection and integration on Social Peace “Dramatic Multiplication”

Recommended Method

A) Sculpture work “Suzuki Technique.”

We work on the modeling of the body itself through a sound impulse.

We choose a theme or emotion to work the body, for…

The facilitator will propose the theme and when he exerts a sound impact (drum, stick hit on the ground or palm of the hand) the participants who are distributed around the standing space and in a neutral way (without any body posture) and relaxed, will move the body spontaneously generating a photo or sculpture related to the requested theme.

Upon receiving the sound impact again, the participants will return to the neutral body state to start over.  Thus, the sound impact will generate in the participants a spontaneous action of the body tinged with the word or theme that is proposed, this will be repeated a few times.

The objective is to prepare and make the body more flexible as a non-verbal expressive tool.

B) Building in “Peace” 

Collective Look at Social Peace Through “Image Theater” and Dramatic multiplication as Divergent Thought.  We start from finding among all an image (sculpture) that represents how we are today regarding our collective thinking about peace. The entire group will be divided into 3 groups of equal number of participants, Group 1, 2 and 3.

The same number of participants as each group will be chosen, but it does not necessarily have to be one of the groups, it is recommended that they are still mixed. It is proposed to find in the form of a sculpture an image that represents the image of the “Current Social Peace”.

We must find among all a consensus of that image that identifies us and represents us.

We will call this image “The Image of the Present”

Once consensus is found. This exercise that we describe below will be carried out by each group, first in an intimate way as a group and then the work will be shown to the other two groups who will observe the work of their partners.

Each group should start from “The Image of the Present”. Search and find in the same way an image that represents the above, the past, where we come from regarding Social Peace, once found and agreed by the group, we will fix it

We will call this image “The Image of the Past”  In the same way we will collectively build “The Image of the Future”

C)Each group with the three images created “Present”, “Past” and “Future” must carry out an image theater exercise for the rest of the groups. 

Starting from that first image “Of the Present” they must show the rest of the participants how that image passes from the present to the past, from the past to the present and from the present to the future in slow motion and moving as a group in an intuitive and spontaneous way.

D)Integration, reflection and closure : We stand in a circle to share and reflect on peace through the experiences lived in the workshop.

Multiplication and Divergent thinking.

With the image of the Present, Past and Future, we will carry out the “Dramatic multiplication game” on the resonance of these images in search of possible outcomes, possible solutions, possible constructions or deconstructions from the individual and collective perspective.

How have I felt individually and collectively at work?

How do I see Social Peace Today?

What can we do collectively regarding the improvement of “Social Peace”?

What commitments can we make for improvement?

As resonances and words that seem important to us come out, we will write them down with markers on white sheets of paper, which we will then paste and distribute around the space as small works of art of consciousness.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.