
  • Getting to Know Each Other
  • Group work 
  • Creating a safe envorienment 


  • To make participants aware about each other 
  • To create a bond between the participants 
  • To create a safe envorinment for participants
  • To break the ice between the participants 

Duration and Planning

  • 5 minutes : Task Introduction
  • 30 minutes : Making participants talk about their lifes
  • 30 minutes : Bridge Activity 
  • 25 minutes : Debriefing 


  • Toilet Paper Roll
  • Paper Tape  

Recommended Method

This method is divided into two parts as toilet paper method, where the participants say something about themselves and in the second part, the participants will line up in a bridge where they have to move without moving the other sides of the tape which will make them closer to each other and make them able to work as a team. 

Toilet paper method 

The participants will be seated in a circle. The facilitator starts with a history of the toilet from the early ages and today by making a joke that the toilet paper and says that, we all need a toilet paper because there will not be any toilet paper in “Silo” where we made the training activities due to shortage of the toilet papers in first day. 

So they have to take as much as they need while going to the toilet for the first day and toilet roll paper will be passed from person to person and each will take what they think they will need for the day.

After everybody has taken their share, the facilitator then tells the group, “For every square of toilet paper you tore off, you have to say something about yourself.”

At this point, you will hear all the laughter and groaning because some took too much. Get them to start counting their squares.

Then, starting with the first person, get them to share something interesting about themselves.

You can end the session by introducing yourself and share a humorous moral: “Sometimes excess can be bad for you! and for all of us, if you clog the toilet”. 

During this round, the facilitator keeps the discussion ongoing by emphasizing the differences of the group through out the activity before going to the second part. The debriefing will be made after the second activity. 

Bridge Activity 

During the preparation phase, the facilitator makes two lines that only a foot-wide which can accomodate the all the group when they line up in a straight line. 

Than facilitator asks participants to get in the line in a random order. Afterwards, they were asked to move around without getting outside of the both lines. During this process, first the participants asked to line up in an alphabetical order of their names with talking without getting out of the lines. 

In second round, the participants are asked to line up according to their birth months but this time they would not be allowed to talk with each other but use signs and movements to explain. 

In third round, they would be asked to line up according to their birth years and will be allowed to talk. 

In each round, after they have indicated that they have finalised the order, the facilitator will check, it is correct or not. After the finalisation of the activity, the debriefing phase will be followed. 

You can use the debriefing questions indicated below, they are for guidance and it can be extended according to the process. 


How many of you took more than what you knew you would need just in case? What does that say about your approach to life in general?

What are some interesting things you have learned about your fellow participants?

Did you feel comfortable while changing places during the bridge activity? If not why?, If yes, why? 

Why did we do these activities? Do you think they are helpful?

Additional Information and Readings 

Other activities related with group dynamics, icebreaker and etc. can be as well implemented according to target group. 

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.