
  • To evaluate the content and technical practicalities 
  • To create action plan
  • To close the training 

Duration and Planning 

  • 45 minutes : Creating action plan 
  • 30 minutes : Verbal evaluation    
  • 15 minutes : Answering the post-test  
  • 15 minutes : Closure 


  • Pens
  • Flipchart 
  • Board marker
  • Post-test Forms 
  • Participant List
  • Coloured Pens 

Recommended Method

“Creating Action Plan”

Trainers puts a long paper ( it is enough to combine 4 flipchart papers ), while interacting with participants, he/she writes to one side is the month that the training is over and in the other side that the month the project will end. Trainer puts coloured pens and pastel paint upside of the paper. Give participants 20 minutes and ask them what they can contribute to the process. After the process is over, the ideas written by the participants are discussed. 

“Verbal Evaluation”

Participants are asked to evaluate the training program verbally. Trainer places three chairs in the middle of the training room. On the chairs, the flipchart papers drawn following shapes is put;

– Trash: Things you never want to remember

– Suitcase: Things you want to use in the future

– Drawer: Things to leave here for a while and then use later 

According to their educational achievements, participants are asked to make their own assessments in line with the each chair. 

“Answering the post-test” 

After the assessments are finished, the participants are informed of the post-test forms for the written evaluation and the post-test forms are distributed. Once the post-test forms have been answered, they are collected from the participants.


Through the action plan formed by the participants, different applications that can be done outside informing are discussed in order to increase motivation during the implementation process. Participants are informed about the process and training is finished. 

Report from Participants can be reached from here.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.